Monday, July 27, 2009

What would be some natural ways to grow hair fast?

Take pre-natal vitamins...I swear to you it works...go to a health food store or even your local grocery store and get them!...your nails will be great too!

What would be some natural ways to grow hair fast?

Use the roots of ginseng its very good to make hair grow and keep your hair in good health or use henna leaves or basilic leaves and have a good diet like foods rich in fibres such as green leaves vegetables. This will help your hair to grow faster.

What would be some natural ways to grow hair fast?

Sorry, but you really cant make it grow faster, just a good balanced diet, hair growns an average of half an inch a month.

What would be some natural ways to grow hair fast?

biotin and lots of it

ingredient found in

nails, skin, hair vitamins

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